Testing and Deployment

Testing of the developed algorithm will involve lab-based testing in a large acoustic chamber and in a testing pool at UH, and lake and sea experiments. The experiments will be performed from a research vessel. In contrast, the tasks of prototype deployment will be performed from three fixed mooring sites, and the tasks will involve monitoring of the system behaviour and capabilities from a shore station. This WP will also coordinate the collection of ground truth information by means of net catches. The tasks are:
Task 6.1: In-lab experiments. Lead partner: UH. Perform testing of the developed acoustic (WP2) and optical (WP3) methods in an acoustic chamber and in a testing pool at the UH facility. Testing will involve the purchased equipment as well as other available equipment at the UH facility. The work will be managed by UH, and teams from IMDEA and EvoLogics will join the testing.
Task 6.2: Sea experiments. Lead partner: UH. Perform a series of lake and sea trials to assess the performance of the developed acoustic (WP2) and optical (WP3) methods. Three lake trials and five sea experiments are planned. The lake trials will be performed in Germany, and the sea trials will be performed in Israel. The experiments will be conducted from research vessels, and will involve the purchased equipment and the real time software implementation of the developed schemes. The work will be managed by UH, and teams from IMDEA, and EvoLogics will join the testing. The milestone of this task is a report of findings at the conclusion of the sea experiments.
Task 6.3: Deployment in Israel. Lead partner: UH. Deploy and test two prototype systems (WP5) on-board the two Israeli mooring platforms. Deployment will include periodic bi-weekly visits to the moorings to collect ground truth measurements from net catches. The work will be managed by UH, and teams from IMDEA, and EvoLogics will join the visits to the two moorings. The milestone of this task is a summary report of the deployment process in Israel.
Task 6.4: Deployment in Spain. Lead partner: IMDEA. Deploy and test one prototype system (WP5) on-board the Spanish PLOCAN mooring platform. Deployment will include periodic bi-weekly visits to the mooring to collect ground truth measurements from net catches. The work will be managed by IMDEA, and teams from UH, and EvoLogics will join the visits to the mooring. The milestone of this task is a summary report of the deployment process in Spain.
Task 6.5: Analyse deployment results from all deployment sites. The analysis will be performed during deployment using on the online data transmission (WP4). Results will be fed back to the deployed system to refine detection and classification performance. The work will be managed by UH. The milestone of this task is a summary report of the obtained results.